+34 655 520 278
Carrer Sant Bartomeu 65, 03560 El Campello, Alicante

About Me

Nederlandse makelaar in Spanje


If you have reached this page, it is probably because you need someone you can trust to help you find and buy the property or home you need.

Today, I work exclusively as a real estate agent representing the buyer. This means that I provide my services and expertise to buyers and that I only defend the interests of my clients.

However, I would like to tell you a little bit about how I have been trained and specialized in helping buyers to find and purchase their properties, sharing their illusion.

I am of Dutch nationality. I have worked for the last 15 years in the real estate sector and for the last 7 years I have specialized in the representation of buyers in the residential market. To this end, I have been attending national and international real estate congresses as part of my continuing education.

I set myself a challenge and since then I feel very happy coordinating this great Real Estate Project, casas4u. I help them in many areas; data management, advertising, drafting contracts and documents, window dressing, customer service… But after the first year I learned about home staging, the act of preparing a property by skillfully improving its image. That’s when I decided to train and pioneer this technique at a national level, which brings so much value to a real estate agency.

Staff: +34655520278

Email: enikojuhasz@hotmail.com


Talk to me and tell me what your dream is. I will contact you as soon as possible to let you know how I can help you:
